Sunday, December 28, 2008


Shitty weather+cheap gas prices=Southside skatepark. I didn't really felt like filming that much. I also gotta get used to the wideness of my fisheye ?_?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Montage

My christmas present to you all. Featuring:
Aldo Rodriguez, Linh Ngo, Hw6 Mannequin, Francisco Guzman (me), Dildo Phillips, Frank Saucedo, Jose Macias, Royal Smith, and Mark Viscounty

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mark 270 Blunt

I dunno... Just chillin' at my house and shiii

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Old Stuff

I was cleaning out my hard drive, and I came upon all the footy that I never used. So enjoy!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Houston, the Baller has landed!

Yoooooo!!! Soddy I havent posted lately, I've been to busy hanging out with my frieeeens, and I haven't really had time to get on the computer. The bus ride wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be, it was actually pretty nice (for the most part). I didn't take that many pictures, but here's the ones I took:

This was the last picture I took of Washington D.C. Jefferson memorial. My Blackberry doesn't take good pics at night

These wall outlets become very handy, therefore they're cute ^.^

He on the other hand, is not -_-

Houston sightings

I've never been so happy to see Downtown Houston

Overall, it was a fun experience, but I'm glad to be back home with my friends and family and I'm ready to film. HOLLA!

-Baller Out

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Oldies but goodies

A couple of days (actually weeks now) ago I found a couple of old videos I made long before I got my gs320. They were actually some of the firsts video I've ever made, and I shall share them with you guys (or actually just to myself, 'cause i don't think anybody even comes to this blog). I'm too lazy to write something new :\ haha



I filmed this one around March of '07, It was me, Frank, Jose, and Michele. It was my first time going to that spot, which some ppl call it "Katy out rail" for some reason -.- I call it "Sea Rail" because the building is called Sea something, so it kinda makes sense...

On another note, I leave to Houston tomorrow. I'm pretty excited on going back home and see my family and friends, but I'm not too excited on the day and a half bus trip :\ but I'm sure I'll have some interesting stories to tell.

See ya Friday!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Oldies but goodies

A couple of days (actually weeks now) ago I found a couple of old videos I made long before I got my gs320. They were actually some of the firsts video I've ever made, and I shall share them with you guys (or actually just to myself, 'cause i don't think anybody even comes to this blog). I'm too lazy to write something new :\ haha



I made this video like around November of '06. It's just some throwaway from the day we went to memorial high school, and that's still the only time I've been there. After that we went to the U-haul on hw6 and skated there a lil' more.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Oldies but goodies

A couple of days ago I found a couple of old videos I made long before I got my gs320. They were actually some of the firsts video I've ever made, and I shall share them with you guys (or actually just to myself, 'cause i don't think anybody even comes to this blog). I'm too lazy to write something new :\ haha



I made this video like the 1st or 2nd of January of '07. Me, Jose and Frank were going to League City Skatepark 'cause we had never been there, but when we got there we found out that the park was actually close, but we didn't drive all the way over there (about an hour away) and not skate it, so we just hopped the fence and skated it. Unfortunaly, a cop showed up about 5 minutes after and kicked us out :/ so we went downtown instead and we came across Thermal gap, it was our first time going there. We also skated that 9 stair thats close to that gap. Eventually a cop came and kicked us out, but we skated it for a while.

In other notes, I'm going back to Houston either Wednesday or Thursday of this week, and I'll try to post pics along the way since I'm riding the bus and what not. Should be pretty fun. I'm ready to go back home and chill with mah frieeeens!!!


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